February 11, 2012

That pesky sense of entitlement

A distressing number of my students seem to think they are exempt from the rules.

The conversation goes like this:

  • Student: I deserve an A in keyboarding!
  • Me: Why do you think you deserve an A in keyboarding?
  • Student: Because I worked really hard!
  • Me: But your performance failed to meet the criteria for A.
  • Student: But I still deserve an A!
  • Me: But you haven't earned it.
  • Student: You should make an exception for me.
  • Me: Why?
  • Student: Because I'm special. 
  • Me: What makes you so special that you should be exempt from the rules?
  • Student: Because God made me perfect!

And there you have it. What do you say to the spiritual exemption? At that point, I just smile and nod. If the student and I are alone, I mention that she may be perfect spiritually, but her character, attitudes, and performance still need some improvement. And then the student smiles at me in a superior sort of way and says something along the lines of: "No. I'm perfect just the way I am."

Who am I to argue with God's perfection?