January 02, 2014

Re-framing 2014

Hey guess what! I've discovered that I am an idea generator. I am a veritable fountain of hot and cold running ideas...things to make, do, write, say... I bet you are, too. Am I right? Do you find you are especially creative when you are with friends? When I am with my friend Prosprus, or my friend Bravadita, or my friend Zeenat the Warrior Princess, I can see possibilities for miles—usually for them, not so much for me, but still! Ideas galore! You might say, wow, isn't it great to be an idea generator! But apparently there are two parts to the gift, and I only got the first part. Like so many gifts, there is a blessing and a curse. The blessing is, I'm long on ideas. The curse is, I'm short on execution. That means I'm a dreamer, not a doer. Darn it. It's always something.

Well, I'm not a total loser. I did manage to finish my Ph.D. That counts for some serious execution points, I think. But in my world, a Ph.D. is just another dream if it isn't applied. Eeek. That sound you hear is the rubbing meeting the road.

You'd think an idea generator would be a bubbly, optimistic sort of person. I mean, isn't dreaming an inherently hopeful act? It implies there is a future. On the other hand, I suppose it could simply be a means of exiting, stage right. Dreaming may be positive by definition, but it could also be the favorite escape hatch of a chronically absent human. It's so much easier to dream than to pick up the pen or the paintbrush or the running shoes. Do we get points for good intentions? Or is it all about getting things done?

My friend Carlita tracks her New Year's resolutions during the year to see how many items she completes before the new year. She reported the results in a facebook post. If she only reported percentages, I could imagine, well, she promised to do ten things and she got eight things done, 80%, not bad! So if I promise to do one thing, and I get it done, I'm at 100%. Woohoo, look at me go! But no, Carlita has hundreds of items on her list. And they aren't wimpy intentions like, I vow to brush my teeth at least once a day. No, her list is not only long but substantive. That woman kicks ass. She knows how to get things done.

The thought of making a list of resolutions makes me want to go back to bed. But I just got up from a nap. I'm not really tired. I just want to escape my life for a while, go be in someone else's drama for a change. I'm sure there are thousands of people who would be delighted to switch places with me, probably in this very city. That's just depressing. I'm sure everyone could live my life better than I do.

I'm making a New Year's resolution to re-frame 2014 as a year of positive action, even if it is just promising to brush my teeth every day. Hell, you gotta start somewhere. (Don't worry, Sis, it's not terminal: It's just me, missing the sun.)