June 29, 2012

How can I miss you when you won't go away?

Earlier today things were going pretty good. On track. Banking got done with a minimum of effort. People smiled. Laundry got done, all socks accounted for. It's almost like everything got done in spite of me. Do you ever have days like that? Like when all the traffic lights are green, almost like they were calibrated just for you.

Now it is much later. I spent the last eight hours working on my concept paper. Working? Try slaving. Try whimpering. Try pleading to the gods of for-profit education. Oh lord, kumbaya, will this dreaded zombie-like tome never go away?

My fingers are typing so slowly, it's like I'm in a slow-motion sci-fi movie. My head is full of fog. I don't know how much longer I can hold on. Fading... can't breathe.... go on without me...

Really. Go on without me. I've used up all my brain power for one day. I'm on vacation. I'm going to plug disc 3 of Burn Notice Season 5 into my computer and get lost in the world of burned spies and trigger-happy girlfriends. And if that doesn't work, I'm pulling out the big guns. Yep. Stand back and put on your bib: True Blood Season 4.

Tomorrow I will tackle the paper again. For now, it's show time.